How to Create Virtual Trust with Your Website Visitors (Using Video to Build Familiarity)

In recent years, it is proven that you need to create trust with your website visitors, video has been proven to be a powerful tool in online marketing for businesses to showcase their value. This holds especially true for people working in professional services industries such as legal advisors and financial managers. With video, professionals can truly differentiate themselves while building virtual trust with viewers.

Imagine being able to deliver your personal sales pitch to every person that hits your website. With a personal introduction video, you can. With this type of digital marketing, you can allow visitors to get to know you without ever actually meeting them. This means that when they do meet you in person, they will naturally feel more comfortable because they feel like they already know you.

How to create Virtual Trust Using Video

Professional individuals such as lawyers, real estate brokers, money managers or anyone selling a high-trust business relationship can build stronger leads online by adding an introduction video to the mix. All that’s required is for you to have the will to get in front of the camera, introduce yourself and give your pitch. Naturally, a lot of people are not comfortable being in front of the camera, but it’s important to remember that at the end of the day, any “real” future clients are going to interact and see you anyway, so what’s the worry. Below are some factors that will help any highly skilled individual achieve great success through the use of video marketing to further enhance their business and investments in online marketing.

Find the Right Videographer

Sourcing and hiring the right videographer to create your content is a critical element. Unless you’ve got the right equipment and editing expertise to produce high-quality content, we recommend you outsource your How to Create Virtual Trust with Your Website Visitors production to an experienced videographer or a local Denver video production company. The quality of your content, both production, and dialog, is extremely important. Your video will essentially be a direct representation of you and your brand. A well-drafted and rehearsed script coupled with a skilled producer and editor can make all of the difference.

Incorporate a Call to Action

Equally important as introducing yourself on the video is making sure you direct viewers to take action once they’ve watched it. This can be done both in your dialog as well as using on-screen text. We actually recommend that if possible, you produce two versions, one for your website, and one for YouTube. The YouTube version can direct people to your website, whereas the version on your website could direct them to complete a form or pick up the phone. You could take it even one step further by creating a third version targeted directly toward prospects that you’ve engaged but haven’t closed. A good videographer should be able to help guide you on producing different versions of your video for different marketing channels and campaigns.

Put Your Video On YouTube

In addition to placing the video on your own website or a landing page for an online marketing campaign, you’ll want to make it accessible to people that may not visit your site but are actively searching for the type of service you’re providing. The easiest way to achieve this is by posting your video on YouTube, in addition to your website. YouTube is the second largest search engine and you’d be amazed by how many people use it to search. In addition, with “blended results,” Google now serves videos and images in its search results.

Promote Your Video Online

Now that you’ve got your video online, it’s time to drive traffic to it. One easy promotion tactic would be to create an email campaign targeted at your prospect list and embed the video in that email. Another way to generate views would be to promote it on your social media channels and possibly even throw $50 towards a boosted post on Facebook to reach your local and targeted audience.

Convert More Visitors

Getting tons of visitors on your website is one thing, but keeping them on your site and getting them to actually contact you are completely different beasts.  Time and time again, video has proven to be one of, if not the, most effective marketing tools online for professional services individuals. A professionally produced and well-scripted video introduction will not only increase your visitor to contact/lead rates but will also increase the likelihood of converting those contacts into clients once you’ve engaged them in person.

In Summary

One of the key benefits of a personal introduction video is that it helps build virtual trust with prospects, and for most professional service individuals, the ability to build trust with prospects is critical to generating new business. With this type of marketing tool, professionals can truly differentiate themselves and communicate their value while building virtual trust with viewers.