Using Video Marketing as a Tool to Generate Leads and Increase Traffic (How Video Increases Marketing ROI)

From watching comprehensive, hands-on reviews of new products to viewing short tutorials detailing materials needed for a home improvement project, video has radically altered the shopping experience for consumers. Today’s consumers window shop, explore reviews of goods and services, and even search for businesses in the local community entirely online. Throughout each phase of this buyer’s journey, video remains an integral tool to capture a user’s interest.

Although there’s no denying the potential benefits of video marketing, how can small business best use it to generate more leads and boost traffic to a website? Below, we’ll discuss some of the best video advertising strategies companies, regardless of industry, can use to grow their brand and help pry open the flood gates to bring more potential clients to their front door.

Begin with the End in Mind

Like nearly all aspects of advertising in today’s information-driven online marketplace, it is essential to have a well-crafted plan in place early in the process. At this stage, it may help to ponder a few key questions such as:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What are some key motivators your audience considers when making a purchase?
  • What unique features of your brand’s identity appeal most to new customers?
  • How many leads, site visits or conversions are you targeting each month/quarter?

Answering these questions thoroughly before jumping head first into crafting video content can pay dividends. Developing a well-thought-out strategy at this stage is also instrumental in building a comprehensive inbound marketing campaign.

Video as a Tool to Round out Your Inbound Marketing Campaign

Inbound campaigns, at their core, focus on consolidating marketing efforts, unique brand messaging and business goals to attract new leads. Video content is an integral part of this process because of its proven effectiveness in capturing consumer attention. Modern shoppers do not have the luxury of time to read endless articles about new products and services. Many instead prefer hard-hitting, entertaining and easily digestible video content. Videos hosted on a startup’s targeted landing page, a home page or even as a part of a targeted advertising plan, can pave the way to new opportunities for a small business. But why is this?

Video, more than any other content format, is not only easier to interpret, but has the power to build rapport with your target audience quickly. Short, hard-hitting, entertaining videos give your startup a personality and, if used effectively, can foster a sense of trust with a prospective lead. As part of an inbound marketing campaign, video can ignite a flame that often leads a user to complete a form submission or complete a click-through action.

Hook Potential Leads Through Landing Page Videos and Social Media

A landing page, as the name implies, is where inbound traffic “lands” after either searching for your site or clicking on an advertisement for a product or service you may offer.  Many businesses use landing pages to capture leads by using a contact form or request a customer sign up for an exclusive offer. This area is ideal to craft a short video explaining the value of your goods and services and appealing to a customer to take action. But how can you most effectively drive customers to your landing pages?

There is no substitute for the power of social media when it comes to getting your business’s videos in front of potential leads. Social media juggernauts like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and more, not only have the power to push brand messaging to vast numbers of potential leads, but are also great places to embed a link to a landing page. In this manner, a user can read a short post or even watch a quick intro video, then access a hyperlink to “learn more.” The link then leads back to a landing page where a lead can view additional video content or take a specific action.

Generate Leads Directly From Video Advertisements

In addition to its power to attract more foot traffic to a site, videos can generate potentially lucrative leads. How does this process work? By establishing an email gate, a startup can request a lead to input an email address before accessing video content. Although some users may initially be reluctant to divulge an email address, a strong call to action, or CTA, can easily overcome this barrier. This message can take many forms, but could include appealing statements such as:

  • Don’t delay — sign up for exclusive discounts today
  • Enter your email here to get the latest information on our new products
  • Sign up now and get special offers sent directly to your inbox
  • Download our frequently asked questions guide to learn more

Learn More About Accelerating Site Traffic with Video Marketing From Telideo

If you would like additional information on converting web traffic with video, reach out to the Telideo team in Denver today. Our innovative team of marketing professionals, video production gurus, animators and more is passionate about helping our clients reach new heights of success. Give us a call or text us at 720-245-8277. Allow us to leverage our extensive experience and cutting-edge tools to craft the effective video marketing strategy you need to dominate your competitors.